ContextFire-adapted species have evolved to exploit resources in heterogenous landscapes that presumably maximize energy acquisition and minimize energetic expenditure. However, limited empirical work exists demonstrating the explicit energetic mechanisms that drive such adaptive responses to fire across diverse landscapes.ObjectivesThe California spotted owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) appears to benefit from landscape heterogeneity and preferentially uses smaller patches of severely burned forest, a behavior that has been hypothesized as adaptive. Here, we investigate empirical support for this hypothesis.MethodsWe leveraged high-resolution GPS tracking and nest video monitoring to examine the hunting success, movement, and nest provisioning of 34 spotted owls in the Sierra Nevada and San Bernardino Mountains, California across burned and unburned landscapes.ResultsRegardless of time since fire, individuals avoided foraging directly within moderately or severely burned patches. 1 to 2 years post-fire, individuals had more success capturing prey in unburned forest, and the energy individuals spent moving increased with the proportion of high-severity fire and decreased with the proportion unburned forest. Multiple years after a fire, individuals had more success capturing prey, spent less energy moving, and provisioned more energy to nests in landscapes with more low-severity fire.ConclusionsThese results support the hypothesis that spotted owls are adapted to fire-prone landscapes and that disturbance events within this region’s natural range of variation can ultimately promote hunting and provisioning. As fires deviate from regional norms across the globe, the negative impacts of fire may become more extreme and long-term benefits of fire may degrade for animals in fire-prone landscapes. Examining the mechanistic impacts of disturbance can allow us to better understand animal responses to rapidly changing landscapes.