Due to the importance and permanent iniprovementsas regards the treatmerit of different diseases involving abdominal urgans such as the abdonien, pailcreas and spleen. 1 was indined tu investigate, both from the anatonhje and surgical point ul view. une of the collateral arterial branches of the ccl iac trunk, which is possibly considered to be one the Ieast siudied and, historically one of the most torgotten by the vessels irrigating the liver and stoniLlch.Considering the fact that anatomic understanding is the startíng point of medical knowledge. and that its conquests give it perrnanently new fundamnents, 1 was deterinined to do research, intensely aixl thoruughly un splenic artery.This research work relates in detail, on the corresponcling chapters, the material and niethods used, which consist un human hodies and fietus tixed with 6.rmo1 and in a fresh condition. These human bodies and foestus were subnimtted tu disseetiun techniques of mnter-arterial injection with resmn, and then they were corroded with acid and angiographic studies. Fmnally selective artermographic tesis 'ere perlbmed un living beings by nieans of digitalis reinoval of the splenic artery.The following chapter deals with the results ubtained froni saied research work, showing that the splenic artery ormgmnates, in mill cases, from the celiac trunk, and this artery is the most iniportant with an average length uf 10.6 centimeters and of 2.3 flexuosities in all.This chapter also enumnerates the relatmonships exmsting betwecn the splenic artery and neighboring organs, the homonymnous vein, itscollateral and terminal branches which mu the hundred percent of cases showed une superior and une inferior, tu inimnedimitely subdivide mudifferent ones at the level of the splenic pedide.The collateral branches 6und were the fol lowing:- arterial pancreatic branches found in the 73 % of the cases with an average of 1 arteries in al].- posterior esophaguscardiotuberosity artery appearing in a 33% of the cases.- superior polar artery appearing in a 53% of the cases.- inferior polar artery appcaring mmm a 33% of the cases.- the short vessels appeared in the 100% of the cases, froni vich in a 73% were superior short vessels and in the remainmng 27% inferior short vessels.- the left gastruepiploon artery appeared in al the cases considered. 1 have discussed the anatomic inmportance of the splenic artery and gland with their niultiple variations and relationships. 1 have mIso considered the splenic pedicle, depending un the rear lixatmon which has the extremity of the pancreas and the splenic hillum of 2.2 ccntimeters, with final figures ranging frorn O to 4 centimeters. 1 have misometmoned the appcaramice of a 10' of super nunierary spleems. Fuially in our experience with splenic segnientatiun and with cormosionpharmaceut ical preparati un and artermograph mc studics as the baste mngredients, wc have found that in a 62.5% they have two segments. ¡ti a17% they have three segments, in a 12.5% llicy have l'our segmenis. m a 12.5 % they have tur segmcnts and in ami S% they have five segnienisin mli, in ihese cases generally dite to the high iniportance of'the polar artens. Likewise. it i s Li circulation is terminal and that spleen divistummnto segrnents is separated by non-vascular 1 evel s
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