This year's annual meeting of the Academy of Spinal Cord Injury Professionals, scheduled for September 3–5 in Las Vegas, (with pre-conferences on September 2) is truly special in many ways. Renowned experts from our interdisciplinary conference faculty will share their latest findings in the most exciting areas of spinal cord injury research and clinical care. The variety and breath of the conference is wide. This includes invited speakers including Dr. Michael DeVivo who will devote his Donald Munro Memorial lecture to trends in epidemiology; Linda Madaris, the Audrey Nelson Lecturer, discussing trends in bedside care and Cheryl Vines addressing ‘life after rehab’ in the Essie Morgan Lecture. In addition, Dr. John DeLuca, well known for his expertise in cognitive rehabilitation, will focus on the challenges faced by patients with multiple sclerosis in his James J Peters Memorial Lecture. Dr Mark Schmeler keynote address is an important topic during these changing times for health care – ‘Advocacy Across the Lifespan’. There are numerous presentations on new aspects of research that impact all professionals in spinal cord injury, including: A special lecture by Dr. Susan Harkema focuses on her groundbreaking collaborative research combining intensive activity-based therapy and epidural stimulation in individuals with spinal cord injury, and a workshop by Drs. Ann Spungen and Gail Forrest and their collaborators about what is really going on the rapidly developing area of exoskeletons for ambulation. These are just two examples of the many great research presentations on the agenda. New this year is Reeve Research Realism, a presentation by Sam Maddox from the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation. You will get to listen to the always entertaining and thought provoking Denny O'Malley on ‘What's in the SCI Box?’ and I am pleased to present the Jayanthi Lecture, on determining prognosis for individuals with acute injury. This year's ASCIP honorees are all truly deserving but I would like to highlight the ASCIP Leadership Award to Margaret Hammond, MD. A range of clinical offerings address medical and psychological complications, co-morbidities and dual diagnoses, assistive technology, wellness, and adjustment to disability. Speakers will address the unique aspects of caring for women, children and adolescents with spinal cord injury. Special workshops include ‘Motivational Interviewing’ and ‘Ultrasound-Guided Approaches to Injections for Treatment of Spasticity’, which features hands-on training by experienced clinicians. Check the program for more opportunities: This year, we offer three Pre-Conferences including the Comprehensive SCI Review Course, a course on pressure ulcers, and lastly a hands-on workshop on shoulder management in tetraplegia. This of course is in addition to the wonderful opportunity to meet old friends and make new ones in the community of professionals devoted to improving the lives of people with spinal cord injury. Looking forward to seeing you in Las Vegas.
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