In this paper, we investigate a model for quantum gravity on finite noncommutative spaces using the theory of blobbed topological recursion. The model is based on a particular class of random finite real spectral triples {(\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{H}, D, \gamma, J)} , called random matrix geometries of type {(1,0)} , with a fixed fermion space {(\mathcal{A}, \mathcal{H}, \gamma, J)} and a distribution of the form {e^{- \mathcal{S} (D)}\, {\mathrm{d}} D} over the moduli space of Dirac operators. The action functional {\mathcal{S} (D)} is considered to be a sum of terms of the form {\prod_{i=1}^s \mathrm{Tr} ({D^{n_i}})} for arbitrary {s \geqslant 1} . The Schwinger–Dyson equations satisfied by the connected correlators {W_n} of the corresponding multi-trace formal 1-Hermitian matrix model are derived by a differential geometric approach. It is shown that the coefficients {W_{g,n}} of the large N expansion of {W_n} ’s enumerate discrete surfaces, called stuffed maps, whose building blocks are of particular topologies. The spectral curve {( {\Sigma, \omega_{0,1}, \omega_{0,2}} )} of the model is investigated in detail. In particular, we derive an explicit expression for the fundamental symmetric bidifferential {\omega_{0,2}} in terms of the formal parameters of the model.