We report the specific heat of graphite, highly oriented pyrolytic graphite (HOPG), graphene oxide (GO), and reduced graphene oxide (RGO) from 300 K to 50 mK. Graphite and HOPG exhibits transition from three dimensions $({C}_{v}\ensuremath{\propto}{T}^{3})$ to two dimensions $({C}_{v}\ensuremath{\propto}{T}^{2})$ as the temperature increases above 4 K and approaching linearity in temperature for both around room temperature is observed. We observe a Schottky-like peak in specific heat of graphene oxide and reduced graphene oxide near 0.1 K, whose intensity and peak position varies with external magnetic field. We find that the random Heisenberg superexchange interaction between the Anderson (disorder) localized $\ensuremath{\pi}$ electrons of GO/RGO is responsible for the specific-heat peak. The exchange interaction strength between the localized spins falls off with distance as a weak power law $(\ensuremath{\propto}\frac{1}{{r}^{2.5}})$, rather than the usual exponential fall in insulating magnets.
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