Kubiak, SM, Starns, EA, Wehler, RJ, Church, LA, and Roberts, JC. Evaluating disability inclusivity in accreditation standards for exercise science-related programs: a scoping review. J Strength Cond Res XX(X): 000-000, 2024-The purpose of this scoping review was to determine the level of inclusivity for disability-related language within accreditation standards for exercise science-related bachelor and graduate education programs. Standards from 4 U.S. exercise science-related programmatic accrediting organizations were included in this study. Using the World Health Organization's International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health (ICF) framework, each standard (N = 1,043) was classified as either containing disability-related language or not based on the 8 ICF function and structure categories. Owing to the broad ICF disability framework, standards were further analyzed using open coding. Frequencies and percentages of exercise science-related accreditation standards that included or lacked disability language and to what extent were reported. Of the 1,043 standards, 417 were classified as including language related to at least 1 of the 8 ICF categories. Using a more specific disability definition from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, standards were further analyzed and coded as "knowledge of" disability (n = 281; 27%), "application of" knowledge (n = 64; 6%), 21 standards were classified as both (2%), and 677 (65%) were classified as having no disability language. "Knowledge of" and "application of" coded standards were further organized according to subcodes (disability, risk factors, both disability and risk factors, and basic life support or emergency care). The lack of inclusive language identified revealed a critical need to reexamine the inclusivity of disability in accreditation standards to ensure educational curricula equip future fitness professionals with the education and experience needed to confidently and effectively serve persons with disabilities.
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