Véronique, Daniel - "The Acquisition of French as a Second Language by Arabic speaking Workers and the Genesis of French Creoles". Language acquisition, which can be studied through the analysis of interlanguages, is a factor often mentioned to explain the formation of creoles and pidgins. Three explanatory hypotheses relating to creolization take more or less into account the acquisition factor: the Universal Grammar perspective, the Bioprogram hypothesis and Chaudenson's auto-regulation hypothesis. This paper attempts a comparison between features of creolization and features of interlanguages. This is inspired by the comparative approach which is the basis of Chaudenson's hypothesis. Despite the fact that the social matrices leading to creole genesis and to the learning of the second languages by foreign workers differ, the identities and similarities between creole systems and interlanguage are described and compared to the corresponding domains in creolization : Utterance structure, Modalisation, Negation, Nominal Reference, Spatial Prepositions, Motion Verbs and Verb Phrase.