ABSTRACT The forest structure of Canada’s northern unmanaged boreal forests are not well characterized despite their critical importance for ecosystem services such as carbon storage and caribou habitat, as well as their vulnerability to climate change and increasing disturbance rates, especially wildfire. Spaceborne lidar observations acquired from the Advanced Topographic Laser Altimeter System (ATLAS) instrument onboard the Ice, Cloud and Elevation Satellite-2 (ICESat-2), enables monitoring of forest structure in these remote northern ecosystems and characterization of long-term post-fire recovery; however, ICESat-2 is a sampling instrument, acquiring data transects rather than wall-to-wall data coverage. By imputing ICESat-2 estimates of canopy height using annual time-series (1984–2021) of spectral indices, change metrics, and land cover metrics from Landsat surface reflectance composites, we derived annual, spatially explicit, wall-to-wall estimates of canopy height for the period 1984–2021 across a 19.6 Mha area of boreal forests in northwestern Ontario and a 630,000 ha area of managed boreal forest further south that had coincident airborne laser scanning (ALS) data for validation. The accuracy of the imputation of derived canopy height estimates in the northwestern site was assessed using a reserved set of ICESat-2 observations (r = 0.76; RMSD = 3.04 m, pRMSD = 33.9%, MD = −0.10 m, and pMD = −1.0%). Using coincident ALS data, the accuracy of the imputed canopy heights in the southern study site were also assessed (r = 0.81; RMSD = 3.65 m, pRMSD = 25.87%), MD = −0.70 m, pMD = 4.96%). Examination of height dynamics post fire indicated that canopy height decreased 8–10 years post fire and recovered between 60% and 85% of pre-fire canopy height within 30 years post fire. The approach presented could readily be extended to similar northern boreal forest areas to provide broad-scale characterizations of fire impacts on forest structure and subsequent recovery.
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