Rh interacts with Hg to form stable intermediate phases. By combining data from several investigations, [1967Jan] constructed a phase diagram for pressures sufficiently high to retain Hg in condensed form. This diagram, with slight modification by the present author, is depicted in Fig. 1. The diagram in Fig. 2 is based on the same data and shows equilibria that would be expected at a pressure of 0.1013 MPa (1 atm). The invariant temperatures of both the higher pressure version and the ambient pressure version of Hg-Rh phase relationships are listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. These temperatures were estimated from the vapor pressure equations reported in [1967Jan] (for the equations, see Thermodynamics Section, Table 5); however, because of uncertainties in the logarithms of the vapor pressure data, the resultant invariant temperature values are unlikely to have precisions of better than 10%. Thus, the apparent inversions of the order between the decomposition temperatures of Hg5Rh and Hg4.63Rh in Fig. 1 and 2 may or may not be significant. Likewise, no difference between the melting points of pure Hg and Hg saturated with Rh is experimentally detectable; so whether the invariant equilibria between Hg and Hg5Rh is characterized by a peritectic or eutectic reaction is a meaningless discussion. An initial determination of Rh solubility in liquid Hg was made by [1956Str] by chemical analysis of the saturated filtrate. A value of 0.31 at.% Rh at room temperature was obtained. A later determination by [1973Jan1] reported a value of 1 × 10 at.% Rh at 500 °C. The determination again was made by analysis of the saturated filtrate, but the analysis was done spectroscopically after the Sn was added and then the Hg was evaporated. This latter analysis is believed to be more reliable than the former. [1971Ale] used residual resistivity measurements to estimate a value of <2 × 10 at.% Rh dissolved in solid Hg at −40 °C. In addition, estimates of the Rh solubility in liquid Hg are quite low, with [1964Koz] estimating a value of ∼10 at.% Rh at 25 °C from a semiempirical Schroeder-like formula and [1989Gum] estimating a value of 1.5 × 10 at.% Rh at 25 °C from the Miedema cellular model [1983Nie]. The lack of a meaningful shift in the melting temperature of Hg as well as its vapor pressure at 400 °C [1967Jan] upon Rh saturation also indicates a low Rh content of the Hg-rich solvus. From the presently available evidence, solvus compositions of the order of 10 at.% Rh or less as found by [1973Jan1] and [1971Ale] seem reasonable for either solid or liquid Hg. X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) studies have been performed on alloys in the Hg-Rh system [1967Ett, 1967Now, 1967Jan, 1976Gri, 1980Gri]. [1967Ett, 1967Now] reported