The arcade design has been widely used in the architecture design since it can provide space for commercial retails and improve local thermal comfort. However, the influences of different arcade design parameters on wind and thermal environment under realistic solar heating conditions are not fully understood, which hinders further application of the arcade design. This paper aims to investigate the effects of different arcade design parameters on wind and thermal environment under different solar heating conditions. Numerical wind flow, solar radiation and heat transfer simulations of a two-dimensional deep street canyon with aspect ratio of three are performed. The steady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes model with standard k−ε turbulence model is employed in this investigation, while considering solar radiation model. Moreover, the realistic solar heating simulations are achieved by setting different local solar times, i.e., LST0900 (leeward wall heating), LST1200 (street ground heating) and LST1500, (windward wall heating). Under realistic solar heating conditions, the building wall heating and the street ground heating are shown to evidently influence the strength and location of the predominant recirculation inside the street canyon, especially for the windward wall heating. Moreover, analysis results have shown that the arcade width has larger influences on wind and thermal environment than that of the arcade height. Particularly, the wind velocity increases 2.1 to 3.8 times, the air temperature decreases 0.42–2.24 °C and the Physiological Equivalent Temperature value drops between 2.2 °C and 7.0 °C when the arcade width increases to half of building width.
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