The Kodihalli sub-watershed (4D4D2f) is lies between 14028’23.68”-14034’20.103” North latitudes and 75026’49.224”-75031’44.208” East longitudes and covers an area of about 4398.83 ha. with an average annual rainfall of 783.0 mm (2014-2021). The maximum rainfall of 439.0 mm is received from June to September, 226.0 mm from October to early December and the remaining 118.0 mm is received during the rest of the year. The number of rainy days (>2.5 mm) varied from 13-24 days per year. On an average, the number of rainy-day events likely to produce runoff (20 to 30 mm) are about 2 to 8 rainy days per year with moderate variation across the years. The Actual Evapotranspiration (AET) over the years 2014 - 2021 in the Kodihalli sub-watershed varied from 383.0 to 770.0 mm. During 2014 - 2021, the average annual AET (621.0 mm) was less than the average rainfall (783.0 mm). The average AET/P ratio between 2014-2021 was about 0.79 which is less than the sustainable limit of about 0.80. The soils of watershed viz., sandy clay loam (IR 10 mm/hr) and sandy clay (IR 14 mm/hr) resulted in more infiltration rate than clay (2 mm/hr) and clay loam soils (7 mm/hr). Soil infiltration during a rainstorm is closely related to a number of factors such as the intensity and kinetic energy of the rainfall, soil surface conditions and soil properties such as those related to aggregate stability. For effective soil and water conservation, maximum area of about 3769 ha (85.7%) requires graded bunding and 267 ha (6.06%) area requires contour bunding.