Abstract Downstream migration of hatchery-raised smolts of steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss maintained on a reduced-feed diet during the last month of rearing was compared with migration of fish fed to satiation (control diet) before release. Five releases were made in two streams over 3 years. Fish on the reduced diet averaged 7 mm shorter and 21 g lighter than control fish at release and had an average condition factor (K = 105 [weight,g]/[length,mm]3) of 0.92, versus 1.03 for control fish. An average of 57.5% of reduced-diet fish were recaptured, compared with 49.4% recapture of control fish; recoveries favored the test group for each release, and the difference was significant for three releases. Fish on the reduced diet generally arrived at traps 1–2 d sooner than control fish. Savings in fish feed costs were also realized with the reduced diet strategy.
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