The engineering of IoT systems brings about various challenges due to the inherent complexities associated with such heterogeneous systems. In this paper, we propose a library of statechart templates, STL4IoT, for designing complex IoT systems. We have developed atomic statechart components modeling the heterogeneous aspects of IoT systems including sensors, actuators, physical entities, network, and controller. Base system units for smart systems have also been designed. A component for calculating power usage is available in the library. In addition, a smart hub template that controls interactions among multiple IoT systems and manages power consumption has also been proposed. The templates aim to facilitate the modeling and simulation of IoT systems. Our work is demonstrated with a smart home system consisting of a smart hub of lights, a smart microwave, a smart TV, and a smart fire alarm system. We have created a multi statechart with Itemis CREATE based on the proposed templates and components. A smart home simulator has been developed by generating controller code from the statechart and integrating it with a user interface.
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