The article presents an algorithm where continued fractions are used to find the zeros of nthdegree polynomial. Our day there is a wide variety of methods and algorithms for solving suchtype problems. The proposed algorithm feature is its effective possibility using for large values ofn. Besides this algorithm can be applied for complex roots. Any real number can be represented asa continued fraction: finite or infinite. The main purpose of continuous fractions is that they allowus to find good approximations of real numbers in the ordinary fractions form in algebraic equationsand systems solution. The purpose of this work is algorithm with continued fractions for solvingreduced polynomial equation that contains both real and complex roots, estimation of thenumber of arithmetic steps in its numerical solution. The analytical expressions for polynomialequation solutions are given in this paper. The obtained analytical expressions represent the ratioof the Toeplitz determinants. A distinctive feature of these determinants is the presence of coefficientsof the solved algebraic equation as diagonal elements. A modified Rutishauser algorithmwas used to obtain a numerical solution. Complex roots can be found using the summation algorithmof divergent continued fractions. As an illustration of the proposed algorithm the results ofthe numerical solution for fifth degree polynomial equation are given. The advantage of the algorithmis the small number of arithmetic operations required, the possibility of considering highdegreepolynomials, and the small error of calculations.