IntroductionNepal has witnessed several instances of slope instability associated with Hydroelectric Projects in the recent decades. Despite this, slope instability tends to receive less attention compared to other hazards.ObjectivesThe objective of this study is to investigate fourteen hydroelectric projects with the aim of identifying the types and causes of slope failures. Additionally, it seeks to offer a comprehensive understanding of slope stability conditions and challenges encountered during construction at project sites.MethodsTo accomplish this, the study employs Key Informant Interviews with Questionnaires to delve into the slope stability concerns within Nepal’s hydropower projects. The findings are then validated through an extensive review of pertinent literature. To conduct a thorough assessment of slope stability, the study relies on on-site observations, measurements, investigations, and both in-situ and laboratory tests.ResultsIt becomes evident that the careful selection of study sites, the application of geotechnical methods, and the establishment of regular monitoring are pivotal for ensuring favorable slope stability outcomes.ConclusionA majority of respondents concur that cutslope is the primary factor causing slope instability with 44.4% answering affirmatively. An independent t-test reveals there is no significant difference between the variables. Moreover, the correlation which is closed to 1 suggests that perception of respondents are interconnected and tend to vary in a synchronized manner. Participants in the study widely acknowledge numerical modeling methods as a means to overcome the limitations of slope stability studies.
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