The prognosis of a machine condition becomes a hot topic nowadays, as the condition monitoring installations provide a massive amount of Health Index (HI) data that could be used for machine remaining lifetime prognosis. However, existing methodologies might not be effective since in many cases the real HI datasets exhibit non-Gaussian characteristics. Thus, to improve efficiency, there is a need to introduce novel approaches which take into account the possible non-Gaussian distribution of HI data. In the proposed methodology, several innovative components are considered to form an efficient solution for the HI time series prediction. As HI is a mixture of trend and random non-Gaussian, non-homogeneous noise, we propose to forecast the HI distribution rather than the direct HI value. The Skewed Generalized t (SGT) distribution is considered as the general non-Gaussian model. Moreover, the combination of convolutional neural network (CNN) and long short-term memory (LSTM) are used to predict SGT distribution parameters. By incorporating the standardization module and the modified activation function alongside a custom time series standardization method, the architecture of the ConvLSTM neural network is created to be appropriate for non-stationary time series data with non-Gaussian behavior. Finally, a pre-training of the model has been proposed, which improves the efficiency of the designed procedure, as usually the amount of HI data is limited and insufficient to reliably train an artificial intelligence (AI) system. The proposed solution is shown to be robust and more resilient to outliers than the classical Gaussian-based approach. Using simulated and real HI data (known as a benchmark), we may conclude that the superiority of our method increases with the increasing non-Gaussianity level of the analyzed time series.