BeO, which is an excellent moderator material, possesses high heat resistance, has low absorption cross section, and provides for supplementary neutron multiplication by the Be/sup 9/(n,2n) reaction, is considered a very promising material for high-temperature power reactors. In view of the contradictory data reported in the literature concerning the neutron-diffusion parameters in the sintered material, further thermal neutron-diffusion studies were undertaken using the pulsed-source method. A specimen previously used for determining the slowing-down length (Atomnaya Energ., 13: 258(1962)) was employed in this study. The values of the diffusion coefficient, diffusion length, transport length, effective transport cross section, absorption cross section, and the diffusion time were calculated and plotted. The calculated time of thermalization, 120 mu sec, was considerably lower than the value reported in the literature; this might be due to the approximating assumptions used. (TTT)
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