For the general Gauss–Markoff model $( {{\bf y},{\bf X}{\bf \beta },{\bf V}} )$ with a singular dispersion matrix ${\bf V}$, Watson [11] has developed a general representation of operators providing the best linear unbiased estimator for ${\bf \beta }_1 $, the orthogonal projection of the vector $\beta $ of unknown parameters on $\mathcal{C}( {{\bf X}'} )$, the column space of ${\bf X}'$. The form of every such operator as developed by him is ${\bf W} = {\bf W}_1 + {\bf W}_2 + {\bf W}_3 $, where ${\bf W}_1 $ is unique with $\mathcal{C}( {{\bf W}'_1 } ) = \mathcal{C}( {\bf X} )$, ${\bf W}_2 $ is also unique but with $\mathcal{C}( {{\bf W}'_2 } ) \subset \mathcal{C}^ \bot ( {\bf X} )$, the orthogonal complement of $\mathcal{C}( {\bf X} )$, while ${\bf W}_3 $ is arbitrary with $\mathcal{C}( {{\bf W}'_3 } ) \subset \mathcal{C}^ \bot ( {\bf X} ) \cap \mathcal{C}^ \bot ( {\bf V} )$. Since for any ${\bf y}$ for which model $( {{\bf y},{\bf X}{\bf \beta },{\bf V}} )$ is consistent ${\bf W}_3 {\bf y} = {\bf 0}$, i...