The type-I seesaw mechanism provides a natural explanation for tiny neutrino masses. The right-handed neutrino masses it requires are, however, too large to keep the Higgs boson mass at its measured value. We show that vector spinors, singlet leptons that are like right-handed neutrinos, generate tiny neutrino masses naturally through the exchange of spin-$1/2$ and spin-$3/2$ components. This one-step seesaw mechanism, which we call the type-$3/2$ seesaw, keeps the Higgs boson mass unchanged at one loop and gives cause therefore to no fine-tuning problem. If the on-shell vector spinor is a pure spin-$3/2$ particle, then it becomes a potential candidate for hidden dark matter which gets diluted due only to the expansion of the Universe. The type-$3/2$ seesaw provides a natural framework for the neutrino, Higgs boson, and dark matter sectors, with overall agreement with current experiments and observations.
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