The Lieb-Robinson correlation function is the norm of a commutator between local operators acting on separate subsystems at different times. This provides a useful state-independent measure for characterizing the specifically quantum interaction between spatially separated qubits. The finite propagation velocity for this correlator defines a “light cone” of quantum influence. We calculate the Lieb-Robinson correlation function for one-dimensional qubit arrays described by the transverse-field Ising model. Direct calculations of this correlation function have been limited by the exponential increase in the size of the state space with the number of qubits. We introduce a technique that avoids this barrier by transforming the calculation to a sum over Pauli walks which results in linear scaling with system size. We can then explore propagation in arrays of hundreds of qubits and observe the effects of the quantum phase transition in the system. We observe the emergence of two distinct velocities of propagation: a correlation front velocity, which is affected by the phase transition, and the Lieb-Robinson velocity which is not. The correlation front velocity is equal to the maximum group velocity of single quasiparticle excitations. The Lieb-Robinson velocity describes the extreme leading edge of correlations when the value of the correlation function itself is still very small. For the semi-infinite chain of qubits at the quantum critical point, we derive an analytical result for the correlation function. Published by the American Physical Society 2024
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