An intriguing observation from somestudies of adaptive change is allelicseries, where adaptive alleles successive-ly replace each other at a single locus.For instance, at the Cyp6g1 locus ofDrosophila melanogaster, transposable ele-ment insertions and a gene duplicationevent have combined to create at leasttwo adaptive alleles in which the morederived the allele, the greater theinsecticide resistance of its bearer [1].Similarly, insecticide-resistant alleles inCulex mosquitoes have been observedreplacing each other within the periodof a decade [2].Another case of an allelic series ispresented in the paper by Magwire et al.[3], which identifies a new locus affect-ing sigma virus resistance inD. melano-gaster. Multiple alleles exist at this locusand they differ in their extent of genecopy number polymorphism and featurea transposable element thought to gen-erate novel transcripts. Thus, this studycontributes to an emerging picture thatthe mutations associated with recentadaptive events may not involve regula-tory SNPs or coding SNPs, but complexgene rearrangements [1,4,5]. Further-more, the nested nature of these rear-rangements means that the order inwhich they arose can be deduced.The genes featured in the particularrearrangement described by Magwireetal. [3] were originally identified via anovel genome-wide screen to identifytransposable element insertions at highfrequencies in natural populations [6].Unlike the situation in humans andmany other vertebrates, particular trans-posable element insertions are rarely athigh frequencies in Drosophila popula-tions. A survey of insertion site occu-pancy led Aminetzach and colleagues[6] to a gene, which they dubbedCHKov1,thathasaDOC transposableelement inserted into the coding region.This gene is one of a large cluster of 27paralogs that encode proteins withdistant similarity to choline kinases.The pattern of polymorphism aroundthe DOC insertion suggests it was at thecenter of a very recent and strongselective sweep dating to between 25and 240 years ago. What selective agentcould result in such strong selection onan insect species, so recently? The link to‘‘choline’’ motivated Aminetzach et al.[6] to test whether a commonly usedclass of insecticides, the organophos-phates (OPs), which target the insectnervous system by inhibiting the enzymeacetylcholine esterase, could be theselective agent driving this selectivesweep at a locus implied in cholinemetabolism. They found that a linebearing the DOC allele had greaterresistance to an OP than a control linewith a similar genetic background.The new study of Magwire et al. [3]links another adaptive phenotype, viralresistance, to the CHKov genes. Thesigma virus has been found to infect upto 20% of D. melanogaster flies in fieldpopulations. At least six separate genesthat reduce infection rates have beenmapped in D. melanogaster [7]. Sigma-resistant alleles of theref(2)P locus of D.melanogaster have previously been char-acterized and display patterns of poly-morphism consistent with a selectivesweep[8].Magwireetal.[3]usedapositional cloning approach involvingsome of the genetic tools available forD. melanogaster to molecularly character-izethesecondofthesixgenes,ref(3)D.The resistant mutation involves a com-plex rearrangement of the CHKov1 andCHKov2 genes, with gene duplicationsderived from the allele originally char-acterized by Aminetzach et al. [6]. Thusthe naturally occurring allelic seriesinvolves three alleles: the ancestral allelethat is purportedly susceptible to an OPinsecticide and the sigma virus, theDOCinsertion allele characterized as resistantto an OP and moderately resistant tosigma viruses, and a derived, highlyvirus-resistant allele (alleles A, B, andC, respectively, in Figure 1).As in the case of Cyp6g1, it appearsthat the next step in an allelic series hasarisen before the previous step has sweptto fixation. What is the significance ofthis? We might expect that in a specieswith high population substructure, inde-pendent alleles may arise and competeagainst each other depending on thedegree of gene flow. However, D.melanogaster populations are not thoughtof as highly structured and the fact thealleles in an allelic series are notindependent, but are nested, indicatesthat D. melanogaster populations are largeenough to increase the probability ofsubsequent mutation, even while theprevious allele is at a low to moderatefrequency.On the other hand, these results suggestmutation may still be limiting. The mostadaptive allele at a gene may be two,three, or more mutational steps away.This may be because the initial adaptiveallele is negatively correlated with otherimportant traits, while the subsequentalleles ameliorate these trade offs or costs.Alternatively, the allelic series may reflecta ‘‘Red Queen’’ phenomenon, where amolecular arms race between host andpathogen means that new alleles mustarise in the host species, to counter thenew alleles in the pathogen species. In
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