Abstract Background Health Literacy (HL) entails accessing, understanding, evaluating, and applying healthcare (HC) information. Aim of this study is to assess HL association with HC services use in the Italian adult population. Methods A national survey was conducted in Italy in 2021, in the framework of the WHO network Measuring Population and Organizational Health Literacy (M-POHL). A validated questionnaire was administered to a representative sample of the Italian resident population aged 18+ years (N = 3,500). A 4-point Likert scale was used for answers: very easy, easy, difficult, very difficult. The HL index, as the percentage of very easy/easy responses, was categorized as Inadequate (0-50%), Problematic (51-66%), Sufficient (67-80%), Excellent (81-100%). Inadequate/Problematic were combined in ‘Limiting’ and Sufficient/Excellent in ‘Not limiting’ categories. A multivariate logistic regression analysis, adjusted by sex, age, geographical area, education, and financial deprivation, was used to explore the associations between HL and the frequency, of utilization of general practitioners-GPs (never, once/twice, three/more times), medical or surgical specialist services-MSS (never, once, twice/more), inpatient hospital services-IHS (never, once/more), day-patient hospital services-DPS (never, once/more), taking sick days at work-SD (never, once/twice, three/more) in the last 12 months, and emergency services-ES (never, once/more) in the last 24 months. Results In Limiting HL (64.6%), the prevalence of never using ES is significantly lower compared to Not limiting HL (81.83% vs 83.80%); likewise for never using MSS (45.84% vs 51.24%) and never using DPS (90.87% vs 93.80%). Significant association with Limiting HL was found for using MSS once (Odds Ratio-OR=1.55), twice/more (OR = 1.76) and taking SD once/twice (OR = 1.58). Conclusions Results demonstrate that people using HC services more frequently, in particular MSS and taking SD, require dedicated support to improve HL. Key messages • This study aims to evaluate the association of the individual Health literacy level with the use of several healthcare services in the Italian adult population. • ‘Limiting’ Health Literacy is associated with using medical or surgical specialist services twice or more times and taking sick days at work once or twice.