<p>目的:內野手可以是整個棒球守備的核心,棒球守備各階段全身上下的協調,有許多值得探討的專項技巧。方法:本研究使用Google scholar,以Baseball infielder、內野、野球守備、內野捕球、守備ゴロ等關鍵字,搜尋台灣、日本、美國三國關於棒球內野守備專項技巧的文獻做歸納,以不同角度探討內野守備的專項技巧:一、內野守備接球,二、內野守備傳球,三、守備的分期與各分期之動作控制。結果:本篇回顧性論文發現,一、移動腳步到好接球的彈跳點是良好守備的關鍵。二、減少軸心腳在接球位置上的變化和較為前面的接球點,對於接球的穩定性至關重要,甚至會影響到後續傳球的動能。三、精簡接傳的動作相較於增加傳球球速可能可以更能有效減少整體守備時間。四、優秀選手在接球的過程中會儘早讓軸心腳著地,並前期和中期將重心保留在軸心腳。五、內野手傳球在前導腳接觸時,軀幹向後扭轉和肘部伸展角度都會比投手小。結論:無論是接球前腳步移動的節奏和精確性,還是接球時的接球點和接短彈跳的能力,甚至是軀幹和骨盆前傾的時機點,對於內野守備過程都產生一定的影響。建議在日常練習時,就能將接短彈跳、腳步移動,納入訓練課表中,並且在動作過程中,加以檢視軀幹的姿勢,方能在比賽時擁有良好的守備表現。</p> <p>&nbsp;</p><p>The standing throw with run-up is the best approach to evaluate the performance of energy transfer and the efficiency of throwing motions for handball players. Purpose: This research aims at analyzing the usage of the standing throw with run-up among the handball players in Taiwan. The roles of body kinematics, strength of core muscles and standing balance of the drive leg played in the standing throw with run-up are also discussed. Methods: Nine Division I handball players from college went through a series of tests. The motions and the speed of the handball throwing were detected by a 3D electromagnetic motion analysis system and a sports radar gun, respectively. The maximum isometric muscle strength of trunks and hips were measured by a torque sensor and a home-made device of strength measurement. The standing balance of the drive leg was measured by a force plate with a mat. Results: The maximal shoulder external rotation angle in the arm cocking phase, the maximal trunk rotation velocity in the arm acceleration phase and the maximal shoulder horizontal adduction velocity showed moderate positive relationships with the ball velocity. The strength of back muscles had a moderate negative relationship with the ball velocity. The correlation between the balance ability of the drive leg and the ball velocity was not observed. Conclusion: The importance of proximal segments to the standing throw with run-up is analyzed by kinematical analysis. It is suggested that the energy of handball throwing is generated by the upper extremities or other limb segments in the processes of the standing throw with run-up. Our findings can serve as a helpful reference for both coaches and players.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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