The transmission of pain from peripheral tissues through the spinal cord to the higher centres of the brain is clearly not a passive simple process using exclusive pathways. Rather, circuitry within the spinal cord has the potential to alter, dramatically, the relation between the stimulus and the response to pain in an individual. Thus an interplay between spinal neuronal systems, both excitatory and in- hibitory, will determine the messages delivered to higher levels of the central nervous system. The incoming messages may be attenuated or enhanced, changes which may be determined by the particular circumstances. The latter state, termed central hypersensitivity [61], whereby low levels of afferent activity are amplified by spinal pharmacological mechanisms has attracted much attention [13, 15]. However, additionally, inhibitory controls are sub- ject to alteration so that opioid sensitivity in different pain states is not fixed [14]. This plasticity, the capacity for transmission in nociceptive systems to change, can be induced over very short time courses. Recent research on the pharmacology of nociception has started to shed some well-needed light on this rapid plasticity which could have profound conse- quences for the pharmacological treatment of pain [8, 13, 15, 23, 24, 35, 36, 41, 62]. The pharmacology of the sensory neurones in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord is complex, so much so that most of the candidate neurotransmitters and their receptors found in the CNS are also found here [4, 32]. The transmitters are derived from either the afferent fibres, intrinsic neurones or descending fibres. The majority of the transmitters and receptors are concentrated in the substantia gelatinosa, one of the densest neuronal areas in the CNS and crucial for the reception and modulation of nociceptive messages transmitted via the peripheral fibres [4]. Nociceptive C-fibres terminate in the outer lamina 1 and the underlying substantia gelatinosa, whereas the large tactile fibres terminate in deeper laminae. However, in addition to the lamina 1 cells which send long ascending axons to the brain, deep dorsal horn cesll aslo gvie rsie to ascendnig axons and respond to C-fibre stimulation. In the case of these deep cells the C-fibre input may be relayed via from the afferents will facilitate spinal excitation. By ; :
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