The smooth emergence of shear elasticity is a hallmark of the liquid to glass transition. In a liquid, viscous stresses arise from local structural rearrangements. In the solid, Eshelby has shown that stresses around an inclusion decay as a power law r-D, where D is the dimension of the system. We study glass-forming hard sphere fluids by simulation and observe the emergence of the unscreened power-law Eshelby pattern in the stress correlations of the isotropic liquid state. By a detailed tensorial analysis, we show that the fluctuating force field, viz., the divergence of the stress field, relaxes to zero with time in all states, while the shear stress correlations develop spatial power-law structures inside regions that grow with longitudinal and transverse sound propagation. We observe the predicted exponents r-D and r-D-2. In Brownian systems, shear stresses relax diffusively within these regions, with the diffusion coefficient determined by the shear modulus and the friction coefficient.