Desert gypsum crusts are of three main types: shallow-water evaporites, which are characterized by size-graded beds; subsurface crusts, which are either macrocrystalline groundwater evaporites, or mesocrystalline illuvial accretions; and surface crusts—excluding the bedded type—which are exhumed illuvial crusts. Pedogenic processes involving the leaching of gypsum-rich surface deposits and subsequent displacive gypsum crystallization in the lower soil zone account for the formation of the illuvial crusts. The various forms of surface gypsum crust—columnar, powdery, and cobble—represent different stages in the degradation of exhumed crusts. Dissolution and leaching of gypsum transform columnar crusts to cobbles which deteriorate leaving a powdery residuum. Examination of thin sections of gypsum crusts from southern Tunisia and the central Namib Desert reveals that the exposure and degradation of illuvial, pedogenic crusts are characterized by distinct diagenetic features. The subsurface, illuvial crusts are composed predominantly of mesocrystalline (50 μm to 1·0 mm in diameter), lenticular gypsum. Crystals larger than 1·0 mm sometimes have poikilitic inclusions, though these features are more common in the macrocrystalline groundwater crusts. Rarely, fibrous gypsum crystals—indicative of displacive crystallization—are found in the illuvial crusts. Syndepositional and early diagenetic features include biogenic structures and calcite pseudomorphs after lenticular gypsum. Columnar surface crusts are composed predominantly of albastrine gypsum (crystallites less than 50 p.m in diameter). This texture develops through rapid gypsum crystallization following partial dissolution of lenticular crystals by infiltrating meteoric water. When large crystals occur as isolated remnants (porphyroblasts) in the surface crusts, they typically exhibit dissolution features and, occasionally, alabastrine overgrowths. The recognition of these characteristic structural and textural features in relict gypsum crusts can provide detailed information about the geomorphic history and palaeoenvironments of many arid regions. Radiometric dating of gypsum palaeosols is problematic because of their illuvial origin. Nevertheless, evidence suggests that the gypsum crusts of southern Tunisia developed in the early Holocene following desiccation of the chotts which had been inundated during the late Pleistocene. Evaporation of the lake waters precipitated gypsum which was then deflated and redeposited on the surrounding landscape. From here it was leached into the lower soil zone and illuvial gypsum crusts accreted. Subsequently, these pedogenic crusts were exhumed and the gypsum is currently being leached into the lower soil zone once again. In the central Namib Desert, the ages of the gypsum crusts are uncertain. Notwithstanding the difficulty in obtaining radiometric dates, studies of the gypsum's isotopic composition have provided valuable information on palaeoenvironments, and are a promising area of future research. Some of these studies have suggested that the crusts in the Namib are recent features. However, several 14C dates and also calculations of the theoretical rates of accretion indicate that the crusts may have formed during the late Pleistocene. If this is the case, their preservation supports the view that the Namib Desert has remained arid throughout the late Pleistocene and Holocene.