In studies of structural mechanics, modal analysis, presented in this paper, is an important tool for analyzing the vibration of an object and its frequencies. In modal analysis, different modes of vibration and the frequencies that generate them are considered. The study covers the nondestructive identification of the elastic characteristics of materials, which involves stochastic algorithms and the application of reverse engineering (i.e., the comparison of reference eigenfrequencies with the results of mathematical models). Identification is achieved by minimizing the objective function—the smaller the value of the objective function, the higher the identification accuracy obtained. By changing the parameters of a material’s mathematical model during identification, certain (usually higher order) modes can change places in a natural frequency spectrum. This leads to the comparison of different order eigenfrequencies, slow convergence and poor accuracy of the identification process. The technique involved in this work is the mode-shape recognition of a specimen of material with an “incorrect” set of elastic properties. The results prove that the identification accuracy of a material’s elastic properties can be increased if an “incorrect” set of elastic properties is removed from the identification process. The research covers only numerical research, with a physical experiment simulation.