Recently a study determining the prevalence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) antibodies in unvaccinated children in NJ (Katic et al. 2023. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting; Washington, D.C. was conducted using a gum swab method for antibody detection. The Diabetomics CovAB test, which qualitatively identifies antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, is a point-of-care, low-cost test, that is easy to administer in children. While this test provides sensitive and specific results in adults [US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). 2022. Center for devices and radiological health. EUA authorized serology test performance. Available from:], data on its accuracy in children is lacking. As a follow-up to the above-mentioned study, we compared the results of the gum swab test to a serologic antibody test. We found that the gum swab test was inferior to serology but was fairly sensitive and specific with a high positive predictive value. While the test is not ideal for diagnostic purposes in children it can be a valuable tool for public health officials and pediatricians to understand the extent of past health interventions.