Gödel’s first incompleteness result from 1931 states that there are true assertions about the natural numbers which do not follow from the Peano axioms. Since 1931 many researchers have been looking for natural examples of such assertions and breakthroughs were obtained in the seventies by Jeff Paris [Some independence results for Peano arithmetic. J. Symbolic Logic 43 (1978) 725–731] (in part jointly with Leo Harrington [J. Paris, L. Harrington, A mathematical incompleteness in Peano arithmetic, in: J. Barwise (Ed.), Handbook of Mathematical Logic, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1977] and Laurie Kirby [L. Kirby, Jeff Paris, Accessible independence results for Peano Arithmetic, Bull. of the LMS 14 (1982) 285–293]) and Harvey Friedman [S.G. Simpson, Non-provability of certain combinatorial properties of finite trees, in: Harvey Friedman’s Research on the Foundations of Mathematics, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985, pp. 87–117; R. Smith, The consistency strength of some finite forms of the Higman and Kruskal theorems, in: Harvey Friedman’s Research on the Foundations of Mathematics, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1985, pp. 119–136] who produced the first mathematically interesting independence results in Ramsey theory (Paris) and well-order and well-quasi-order theory (Friedman). In this article we investigate Friedman-style principles of combinatorial well-foundedness for the ordinals below ε 0 . These principles state that there is a uniform bound on the length of decreasing sequences of ordinals which satisfy an elementary recursive growth rate condition with respect to their Gödel numbers. For these independence principles we classify (as a part of a general research program) their phase transitions, i.e. we classify exactly the bounding conditions which lead from provability to unprovability in the induced combinatorial well-foundedness principles. As Gödel numbering for ordinals we choose the one which is induced naturally from Gödel’s coding of finite sequences from his classical 1931 paper on his incompleteness results. This choice makes the investigation highly non-trivial but rewarding and we succeed in our objectives by using an intricate and surprising interplay between analytic combinatorics and the theory of descent recursive functions. For obtaining the required bounds on count functions for ordinals we use a classical 1961 Tauberian theorem of Parameswaran which apparently is far remote from Gödel’s theorem.
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