To describe the properties of self-similarity and invariance observed in various physical situations, the theory of fractals and multifractals is actively used in modern science. We consider a conformal mapping of the first kind, which is given by the entire linear function w = az + b, where w, z are complex variables, a, b are complex constants, a ≠ 0 . With its help, affine transformations are performed to construct the Sierpinski triangle and the Koch curve by specifying the functions w3(z) and finding the coefficients Re аі, Im аі, Re bi, Im bi, і = 1,2,3 or і = 1,2,3,4. These coefficients encode the image of the object and it can be unambiguously reconstructed by them. It is determined that the method in which self-similar regions in an object are detected and conformal mapping coefficients are found for them works under the condition that each such mapping is compressive. Only then will Banach’s fixed point theorem ensure image collection during decompression. This method of compressing graphic information is called fractal.
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