Sustainable conservation, development, and utilization of natural and humanresources is necessary for accelerated economic growth and fast-pacedsocio-economic transformation of Nepal. Asta-Ja Framework, which is atheoretically grounded grassroots based peaceful and self-reliant planningand development approach, offers practical strategies for sustainable con-servation and development of natural and human resources enhancing food,water, climate, and environmental security, accelerated economic growth, andsocio-economic transformation of Nepal. Asta-Ja includes interconnectedeight resources in Nepali letter, Ja, – Jal (water), Jamin (land), Jungle(forest), Jadibuti (medicinal and aromatic plants), Janashakti (manpower),Janawar (animal), Jarajuri (crop plants) and Jalabayu (climate). Asta-JaFramework is a unifying framework for planning and resources develop-ment and has a strong footing on science, business, and eastern philosophy.While providing practical guidelines for achieving food, water, climate and environmental security, this article presents Nepal Vision 2040, which isdeveloped considering challenges that Nepal is currently facing and itsavailable Asta-Ja resources, envisioning that Nepal’s economic developmentreaching at the par of developed nations by 2040. Key strategic sectorsidentified in Nepal Vision 2040 include smallholder mixed-farming system,agro-jadibuti industrialization, protection of drinking water sources, climatechange adaptation, environmental pollution control, conservation of naturalresources, infrastructure, tourism, renewable energy, alleviation of inequali-ties, and good governance. This article demonstrates strategies for addressingsocial discrimination and inequalities through the process of Asta-Ja com-munity capacity-building and self-reliant development. Ecological balanceof Asta-Ja resources is necessary for sustainable natural resources, economicdevelopment, and community resiliency. The Government of Nepal is sug-gested to adopt Asta-Ja Framework as its national planning and developmentframework for sustainable economic growth and fast-paced socio-economictransformation of the country.
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