Diabetes mellitus is a disorder in which the body does not produce enough or respond normally to insulin; consequently, blood glucose levels increase to become abnormally high. Accordingly, the primary treatment of diabetes is to control glycemic levels continuously. To continuously control glycemic levels, several medical devices have been developed to monitor blood glucose levels, represented by sensors and monitors for the self-monitoring of blood glucose. The ultimate goal for those engaged in research to develop medical devices is to develop implantable biodevices, namely self-powered autonomously operated artificial pancreas systems. One of the most challenging issues in realizing an implantable artificial pancreas is the long-term continuous supply of electricity, which is currently dependent on rechargeable batteries, requiring periodical replacement. In this work, we report the development of a direct electron transfer type enzyme-based miniaturized self-powered glucose sensor based on the BioCapacitor principle with a micro-sized enzyme anode area (0.15 mm × 0.75 mm), which has only 0.1 mm2 of electrode surface. As a result, a BioCapacitor utilizing a biofuel cell with a micro-sized enzyme anode was operated by self-power. In addition, the glucose concentration was detected within the range from 13 mM to 100 mM based on the frequency of charge/discharge cycles of the BioCapacitor. Although further improvement of the current density of the micro-sized anode is necessary to monitor a glucose concentration range lower than 13 mM, this self-powered glucose sensor with a micro-sized electrode based on the BioCapacitor principle was operated continuously for 6.6 h at 37 °C in 100 mM potassium phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). Our success indicates the potential to realize self-powered, autonomous, and implantable sensing modules for bio devices such as glucose-sensing systems for an artificial pancreas.