The article revealed the issue of professional training of future physical therapists for the preparation of a physical therapy program for middle school children with Little's disease, where it was taken into account that each patient had an individual physical therapy program according to the patient's categorical profile of the ICF, selected research methods and determined physical therapy methods. The purpose of the study was to analyze the preparation for the development of a program of physical therapy for children of secondary school age with Little's disease, which future physical therapists will be able to use in their professional activities. The physical therapy program was developed for a boy, 11 years old, who has the main diagnosis: Little's disease, concomitant diseases: mild mental retardation, valgus deformity of the lower limbs, congenital. A categorical profile was determined according to the short basic set of ICF DP for a child of middle school age (11 years) with Little's disease (spastic diplegia). The physical therapy program included the following methods: therapeutic exercises, mobility training and walking with aids, massage, training on an exercise bike and a home program (fitball exercises to relax muscles, improve balance, gymnastic exercises to increase muscle strength of the upper limbs, improving posture, exercises to improve the mobility of the joints of the lower extremities, strengthening the skills of standing and walking with a walker, games and gymnastics for the fingers (development of the manipulative function of the hands), treatment of position). The study showed that in order to draw up a physical therapy program for patients with Little's disease, it is necessary to determine the research methods, obtain the initial data based on them, compile a categorical profile of the patient according to the ICF, and choose physical therapy methods and their dosage according to the obtained results.
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