We reported near octave-spanning supercontinuum generation in Ge28Sb12Se60 chalcogenide glass rib waveguides. The waveguides were fabricated using foundry-compatible deep ultra-violet lithography, followed by plasma etching. We demonstrated an average propagation loss of ∼1.3 dB/cm at the 1550 nm telecommunication wavelength. With dispersion engineering, optimizing waveguide geometry, and pumping by a multi-wavelength femtosecond soliton fiber laser, we achieved a flat-top supercontinuum generation spanning from 1290 to 2400 nm and beyond . It has a 3 dB bandwidth of 436 nm and a 20 dB bandwidth of more than 900 nm. The implementation of such waveguides provides a practical broadband light source solution for on-chip spectroscopy and sensing systems.