AbstractThe Martian ionosphere‐thermosphere (I‐T) coupling is variable due to complex variations of the driving factors such as atmospheric tides and crustal magnetic fields. In this study, variability of the I‐T coupling in longitude structures was investigated using a series of data segments of the MGS ionospheric measurements. Measurements in each data segment can cover different longitudes, and the solar forcing and local solar time just change a little. Ionospheric and thermospheric longitude variations are statistically correlated. Ionospheric peak electron density (NmM2) decreases while ionospheric main peak height (hmM2) increases with increasing neutral scale height (Hn) along longitudes. These correlated longitude variations are consistent with the photochemical coupling that Hn longitude disturbances induce ionospheric longitude structure through photochemical processes. Statistically, NmM2 is a better indicator than hmM2 for the Hn disturbances in the lower thermosphere. Hn longitude variation intensity is a crucial factor affecting the photochemical I‐T coupling in longitude structures; it is closely related to NmM2 longitude variation intensity and tends to decline with increasing altitudes. The I‐T coupling in longitude structures tends to decline near the terminator, which is in line with the declining longitude variation of Hn with increasing altitudes since hmM2 significantly increases near the terminator. Moreover, it tends to enhance at high solar activity level due to increased photoionization rate. The I‐T coupling in longitude structures also shows seasonal dependence, as seasonal variation of hmM2 can affect the Hn longitude variation intensity nearby the ionospheric main peak.