Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) technology has been developed in the field of underwater surveying over the past decades. Today as climate change and the energy crisis becoming increasingly urgent matters. Simultaneously, as technology is moving towards data-driven digitization, AUV technology is expanding into several other fields. This paper provides an overview of the current development of AUVs. It discusses the strength of AUV technology, such as high survey accuracy, large operational range and low operational costs compared to other surveying methods. It also addresses limitations, including battery technology constrains and wireless communication challenges. This paper will also introduce future areas of development based on the limitations, such as fuel cell, underwater scanning and mapping, underwater autonomous navigation, and bio-mimicry technology. Finally, based on the currently technology developments of AUVs, discuss the currently fields of application such as oceanography, underwater mapping and imaging and future fields of applications such as fisheries and use in underwater industrial inspections.