Introduction: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder that, although frequently diagnosed in childhood, can persist into adulthood. ADHD has negative impacts on the quality of life and functioning of daily activities of individuals with this pathology. Treatment aims to improve the clinical and social condition and pharmacological treatment associated with non-pharmacological measures is recommended. Among pharmacotherapy, psychostimulants are the most recommended, with the first and second drugs being methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta) or lisdexamfetamine (Venvanse), respectively. However, these medications can have different effects, especially when consumed in the long term. Methodology: Articles published in journals indexed in the Scientific Electronic Library Online (SCIELO), National Library of Medicine/NLM (MEDLINE), UpToDate and National Library of Medicine/NLM (PUBMED) databases and websites recognized worldwide in the period 2014 were evaluated. to 2024. Results: After completing the data collection phase, 47 relevant articles were identified to compose the analysis of the proposed topic. Discussion: Based on the articles cited, it was observed that psychostimulants have good efficacy in treating ADHD, however, few studies have evaluated their long-term effects and with a significant number of study participants. Conclusion: Adults with ADHD should receive adequate treatment, aiming for a better quality of life and both methylphenidate and lisdexamfetamine are good therapeutic options, proving to be relatively effective and safe.