The Biermann battery term of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) generates a magnetic field where electron density gradients and electron temperature gradients are perpendicular to one another. Kinetic simulations and experiments have shown that the rate of magnetic-field generation is lower than Biermann when the electron mean free path becomes comparable to or greater than the temperature gradient scale length, known as the nonlocal regime. We investigate the nonlocal suppression of the Biermann term using simplified Fokker–Planck simulations covering a wide range of parameters. We provide the first fit for nonlocal Biermann suppression that has physically accurate behavior for small and large values of a suitable nonlocality parameter, valid for an arbitrary atomic number, and that includes the effect of magnetization on nonlocality. The fit is intended to provide an approximate method to account for reduced magnetic-field generation in MHD codes and theory.
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