This article describes a study of the application of solar energy in a Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) housedesigned for a brown rice drying system. The theoretical heat collection characteristics of an FRP solar drying housewhen empty are presented and compared to experimental results. The purpose of the study was to evaluate: (1) thetemperature variation inside the house; (2) the effect of solar radiation and airflow rate on the temperature differencebetween the air inside and outside the FRP house (temperature rise); and (3) the heat collection efficiency of an FRPhouse when using and not using a solar collector. It was observed both theoretically and experimentally that thetemperature of the air inside the house is higher than that of the outside air, and in the mathematical model, the solarcollector shows a higher temperature than the roof cover. As the airflow rate from the dryer fan inside the houseincreases, temperature rise decreases. For global solar radiation in the range of 100 to 800W/m2, the temperature riseshows an exponential relationship with global solar radiation, and the values of temperature rise are higher when using acollector (5-16C) than when not using one (4-11C). Thus, collector installation inside an FRP solar house has a cleareffect on increasing the air temperature inside the house, which leads to an increase in the heat collection efficiency of thehouse of around 27.23%. In this work, some relationships predicting the optimal house floor size required, the airflowrate per unit mass of product to be dried, and the energy collection are discussed. Then, from the house floor size, airflowrate and collected energy requirements to dry a given amount of product optimally could be calculated.