The purpose of this study is to develop boundary conditions with respect to input parameter uncertainty for fuel performance assessment of a control rod withdrawal transient in a fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactor (FHR). Sensitivity analysis was performed to determine how certain key input parameters impacted the uncertainty of the outputs needed for the boundary conditions. The generated boundary conditions can be used in fuel performance codes to obtain failure probabilities and fuel performance envelopes. To accomplish this, we utilized a KP-AGREE model of the generic fluoride-salt-cooled high-temperature reactor (gFHR) and a pebble bed benchmark developed by Kairos Power. The key boundary conditions that were developed included the total power, maximum fuel region temperature, maximum fuel kernel temperature, and maximum moderator (graphite) temperature within the core. The sensitivity analysis was run until the Sobol indices and output converged within a 95 % confidence level; it was found that the coolant inlet temperature consistently had the highest impact on the uncertainty of the key core temperature values. The maximum bound of these temperatures also did not exceed 1123.5 °C for the fuel kernel and 973.7 °C for the moderator after the transient, demonstrating that there is a large margin between the predicted fuel and moderator temperature and accepted safety limits, given a 1650 °C limit for Tristructural Isotropic (TRISO) fuel. These boundary conditions were implemented into a BISON model to demonstrate their use in fuel performance and obtain a brief failure profile of the fuel. The maximum magnitude of the hoop stress on the SiC layer was −12.02 MPa, resulting in a failure probability of 4.90·10−19. Thus, the fuel performance simulations also emphasized the robustness of the TRISO fuel design utilized in the gFHR, as the predictions reveal substantial margin of the TRISO particles relative to temperature limits during the control rod withdrawal. The limiting temperature is expected to be the reactor vessel temperature and the fuel is not expected to be challenged at all by mechanical failure of the SiC layer during these events.
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