Risk-sensitive investment management (RSIM) has emerged as a powerful approach that leverages the mathematics of stochastic control to address dynamic investment management problems. This note discusses RSIM and examines three practical implications of RSIM for investment managers. Firstly, RSIM models serve as a valuable tool for understanding and explaining the outcomes of realistic dynamic models. For example, they offer closed-form approximations of stochastic programming models. Secondly, RSIM sheds light on crucial investment management questions. RSIM enables practitioners to analyze the impact of various factors on investment performance, unravel the dynamics between active and passive management strategies, investigate the mechanics of learning within investment decisions, assess the value of expert opinions, and evaluate the effectiveness of stress test scenarios. Lastly, RSIM casts light on perilous strategies and practices that can lead to catastrophic losses for investment funds, such asexcessive betting or overbetting.
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