Adoption by same-sex couples, from the perspective of Family Law, represents a significant advancement in equality of rights and recognition of diverse family forms. In many countries, Family Law has evolved to include same-sex couples in the adoption process, allowing them to form families and secure rights similar to those of heterosexual couples. Historically, same-sex couples have faced legal and social barriers to adopting children. However, case law and legislation have advanced, reflecting greater acceptance and understanding of same- sex relationships. For instance, Brazil’s Supreme Federal Court has ruled favorably on adoption by samesex couples, recognizing the validity of these unions and ensuring they can legally form a family. The decision to allow adoption by same-sex couples is based on the principle that the child's best interest should prevail. The ability to provide a loving and stable environment is considered more important than the adoptive parents' sexual orientation. Studies have shown that children adopted by same-sex couples develop as healthily as those adopted by heterosexual couples. Furthermore, legal recognition of adoption by same-sex couples contributes to the protection of children’s rights, ensuring they have access to all legal and social benefits provided by law.