We solve the nd scattering in the Faddeev formalism, employing the NN sector of the quark- model baryon-baryon interaction fss2. The energy-dependence of the NN interaction, inherent to the (3q)-(3q) resonating-group formulation, is eliminated by the standard off-shell transformation utilizing the 1/ √ N factor, where N is the normalization kernel for the (3q)-(3q) system. This procedure yields an extra nonlocality, whose effect is very important to reproduce all the scattering observables below En ≤ 65 MeV. The different off-shell properties from the standard meson-exchange potentials, related to the non-locality of the quark-model baryon- baryon interaction, yields appreciable effects to the differential cross sections and polarization observables of the nd elastic scattering, which are usually attributed to the specific properties of three-body forces. The QCD-inspired spin-flavor S U6 quark model (QM) for the baryon-baryon interaction, developed by the Kyoto- Niigata group, has achieved accurate description of avail- able nucleon-nucleon (NN) and hyperon-nucleon exper- imental data (1). These QM baryon-baryon interactions are characterized by the nonlocality and the energy de- pendence inherent to the framework of the resonating- group method (RGM) for two three-quark systems. In the strangeness sector, the Pauli forbidden state sometimes ex- ists as the result of the exact antisymmetrization of six quarks. The short-range repulsion of the baryon-baryon in- teraction is mainly described by the quark-exchange ker- nel, which gives quite different off-shell properties from the standard meson-exchange potentials. The energy de- pendence of the interaction is eliminated (2) by the stan- dard off-shell transformation, utilizing the 1/ √ N factor for the interaction Hamiltonian and the renormalized relative wave function between two clusters. This procedure yields an extra nonlocality, whose effect was examined in detail for the three-nucleon bound state and for the hypertriton (3). The advantage of the larger triton binding energy by the QM NN interaction; namely, the deficiency of 350 keV, predicted by the model fss2, is still much smaller than the standard values 0.5 MeV - 1 MeV, given by the modern meson-exchange NN potentials. It is therefore interesting to examine the QM predictions to the three-nucleon scat- tering observables, especially in this renormalized frame- work without the explicit energy dependence of the RGM kernel. In this contribution, we apply our QM NN interaction fss2 to the neutron-deuteron (nd) scattering in the Faddeev formalism for composite systems (4). The Alt-Glassberger-