Abstract A comparative investigation was conducted to assess the impact of high-field side (HFS) extraordinary (X) mode (HFS X) injection and low-field side (LFS) ordinary (O) mode (LFS O) injection of 8.2 GHz radio frequency (RF) power in the Q-shu University experimental steady-state spherical tokamak. In the case of the HFS X injection, the ratio of electron plasma frequency and RF frequency f pe / f RF was 1.3, indicating an overdense plasma, whereas in the LFS O injection, this ratio was 0.9. Distinctive features emerged in the electron temperature and density profiles between the two injection scenarios. In the HFS X injection, the profiles peaked between the fundamental electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) layer and the upper hybrid resonance layer. Conversely, in the LFS O injection, the peaks were situated near the 1st ECR layer. This implies effective excitation of the electron Bernstein wave (EBW) in the case of the HFS X injection, with the wave power being absorbed through the doppler-shifted ECR of the EBW. Density and temperature oscillations were observed only in the start-up phase of the HFS X injection, which may correlate with the presence of the left-hand cutoff of the X-mode. These findings will be contributed to understand the distinctive characteristics associated with plasma heating through EBW excitation in the HFS X injection.