The wave-induced hydrodynamics of coupled nonlinear piston-mode fluid resonances within two narrow gaps between three barges are numerically investigated using a two-dimensional viscous wave flume. This study aims to explore the time-dependent nonlinear interactions between fluid oscillations in the two gaps. The coupled synchronous dynamic behaviors of fluid oscillations during the transient evolution stage are first examined in terms of amplitude and frequency modulation. It is shown that phase dynamics, including phase slipping, trapping, and locking, play significant roles in establishing the coupled synchronous dynamic evolutions of fluid oscillations in the two gaps. The quasi-steady state of the amplitude- and phase-frequency responses of fluid oscillations within the gaps, along with the reflection and transmission waves in front of and behind the three-barge system, are further analyzed. This analysis clarifies the significance of viscous damping energy dissipation and radiation damping energy transfer involved in gap resonance problems. This clarification also explains the performance of fully nonlinear potential flow solvers in predicting fluid resonances in the two narrow gaps. Finally, the nonlinear dynamic features of fluid oscillations are examined. The effects of incident wave nonlinearity, i.e., wave steepness, on resonant frequencies, response amplitudes, energy dissipation, and reflection and transmission coefficients are investigated. Harmonic analysis via Fourier transformation reveals the contributions of first-, second-, and third-order harmonics to the overall response amplitudes. The physical insights gained from this study provide a deeper understanding of the coupled nonlinear dynamics of piston-mode fluid resonances in multiple narrow gaps.