The population of Indonesia and the very rapid development of industry have caused the amount of waste to increase or increase and it has not been managed well by the government and society, so waste has become a problem that can damage the environment. Of the total waste produced, around 80% is dominated by organic waste which is only seen as residual waste that has no economic value and causes environmental pollution. In accordance with the circular letter from the Governor of Bali regarding source-based waste management which has not been implemented effectively by every traditional village, through the KKN UNHI activities of Saba Village Group 10, socialization of source-based waste management and the practice of making compost and eco enzymes was carried out. This activity aims to socialize the waste management process and practice processing organic waste by making compost and eco-enzymes. Socialization and practical activities for making composters and eco enzyme liquids were carried out at the Banjar Hall of Saba Traditional Village, Blahbatuh District, Gianyar Regency which was attended by PKK throughout Saba Village, KWT Lestari Saba and STT Saba Traditional Village. Eco enzymes produced from organic waste, namely leather and vegetables, mixed with sugar and water and fermented for 3 months have benefits as house cleaning agents, effective natural fertilizers and pesticides, farming and purifying water, air and soil. Apart from being useful in helping the community in processing organic and inorganic waste, it also has economic value and helps government programs in preserving the environment in order to save the earth from global warming.
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