(ProQuest: ... denotes formulae omitted.)INTRODUCTION:Introduction to Literature, as one of subject matter in English Department, has an important role to shape students' characteristics. Because there are many valuable materials of characters building which must be had by the students, especially students in the third semester. They do not only learn about the theory of literature but also learn about how they should behave in society. In learning literature, the students should learn and master three genres of literature, they are Prose, Drama and Poetry. It is very interesting to learn and peel up these genres. But unfortunately, there are not many books as learning sources for teaching and learning literature yet in most of the Private Universities in Central Java, Indonesia, especially in Slamet Riyadi University in Surakarta, Bantara Nusantara Veteran University in Sukoharjo, and Widya Dharma University in Klaten. Most of the lecturers of those universities said that there were not representative books for teaching and learning literature especially teaching and learning Poetry yet. Therefore, it is really needed and very important to provide representative poetry textbook for teaching and learning literature especially teaching and learning poetry. This poetry textbook can become valuable source material and an important element for the lecturers in lecturing Poetry class in English Department. Based on the observation, it can be known that the lecturers from three Private Universities said that they did not have permanent book or representative book as learning material source to teach poetry in class. Implicitly, it can be said that if there is good representative poetry textbook for teaching and learning Poetry then it could be able to help them in teaching and learning poetry more creative and fun. Perrine (Waluyo, 2012), said that poetry is universal as language and ancient. The most primitive peoples have used it and the most civilized have cultivated it. In all ages, and in all countries, poetry has been written - and eagerly read or listened to - by all kinds or conditions of peoples, by soldiers, statesmen, lawyer, farmers, doctors, scientists, clergymen, philosophers, kings, and queens. In all ages it has been, especially the concern of the educated, the intelligent, and the sensitive, and it has appealed, in it simple form, to the uneducated and to children. Because it has given pleasure. While another theory stated that Poetry is bentuk karya sastra yang dipadatkan agar memperoleh kekuatan pengucapan dan disertai pemilihan kata yang cermat, citraan, bahasa figuratif, persamaan bunyi, irama, metrum, dan kata kongkret (Waluyo, 2012). There are some elements in Poetry which should be learnt and mastered by the students, for instance 1) intensity, 2) rhyme, 3) solid rhythm, 4) mood, and 5) mimic or face expression (Waluyo, 2012). There is one thing that must be followed by student who wants to read poem in front of the class, such as firstly he or she should practice to read poem louder, confidence, full of passion, using good rhythm, and do not read it too fast.A good textbook is as an information source which is written by the writers based on certain science area. A textbook is used by the readers especially students to learn one of knowledge subject, science, technology, and art. In other word, textbook contains of scientific and scholarly literary. Permendiknas No.2 tahun 2008 pasal 1 ayat 3 (Wahyu, 2010) stated that Buku teks adalah buku acuan wajib untuk digunakan oleh satuan pendidikan atau perguruan tinggi yang memuat materi pembelajaran dalam rangka peningkatan keimanan, ketakwaan, akhlak mulia dan kepribadian, penguasaan ilmu dan teknologi, peningkatan kepekaan dan kemampuan estetis, peningkatan kemampuan kinestetis, dan kesehatan yang disusun berdasarkan standar nasional pendidikan. While (Tomlinson, 2008) stated that a textbook which provides the core materials for course. …