• Data replication may improve the efficiency of a distributed system. • Implementing replication manually requires a significant effort. • We propose an experimental technique for automated replication of tuple spaces. • We combine program transformation and static analysis, preserving strong consistency. • Transformed programs exhibit desirable properties (e.g. reduced non-local accesses). Coordination languages for tuple spaces can offer significant advantages in the specification and implementation of distributed systems, but often do require manual programming effort to ensure consistency. We propose an experimental technique for automated replication of tuple spaces in distributed systems. The system of interest is modelled as a concurrent Go program where different threads represent the behaviour of the separate components, each owning its own local tuple repository. We automatically transform the initial program by combining program transformation and static analysis, so that tuples are replicated depending on the components' read-write access patterns. In this way, we turn the initial system into a replicated one where the replication of tuples is automatically achieved, while avoiding unnecessary replication overhead. Custom static analyses may be plugged in easily in our prototype implementation. We see this as a first step towards developing a fully-fledged framework to support designers to quickly evaluate many classes of replication-based systems under different consistency levels.