Abstract Recoil T-atom reactions have been studied in Xe–H2–D2 mixtures at 77 and 4.2 K. When T atom reactions were caused at 77 K by neutron irradiation at an extremely low dose rate of γ-rays, a large isotope effect (kHT/kDT≈7) on the formation of HT and DT was observed. When T-atom reactions were caused at 77 K by neutron irradiation at a high dose rate of γ-rays, there was no isotope effect (kHT/kDT≈1) on the formation of HT and DT. The production of H and D atoms by γ-irradiation of the Xe–H2–D2 mixtures was studied by ESR spectroscopy at 4.2 K. The significant effect of the dose rate of γ-rays on the HT and DT formation was interpreted in terms of competition between a tunneling reaction of thermal T atoms with H2(D2) and a combination reaction of thermal T atoms with H(D) atoms produced by γ-radiolysis.