A common finding across numerous response time (RT) paradigms is that the mean RT in one trial depends strongly on the characteristics of the immediately preceding trial. Although such sequential effects have usually only been considered within each single paradigm in isolation from the others, there are important similarities across paradigms between the theoretical accounts of these effects. However, so far there has been no systematic comparison of sequential effects across paradigms. To investigate the possible relationships between sequential effects in different paradigms, we conducted an experiment examining sequential effects in visual search, two-choice RT, interference, and task-switching paradigms, using methods designed to maximize the similarity of stimuli and responses across paradigms. Detailed analyses of the observed RT distributions were carried out using both descriptive (e.g., ex-Gaussian) and process-oriented (e.g., diffusion models) methods. The results reveal significant empirical similarities and differences between the sequential effects observed across different paradigms, and in some cases even across different conditions within a single paradigm. Furthermore, the sequential effects are more similar to one another for some pairs of paradigms than for others. These results imply that some cognitive processes eliciting sequential effects are shared across paradigms while others seem to be paradigm-specific.
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